@ Ignite Church Planting
February 2025 Prayer Letter
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Dear Ignite Prayer and Fasting Partners,
It has been a busy and fruitful year already (and we are only one month into 2025). We just completed 30 days of prayer with the theme of the campaign being, Praying it Forward. Through the month, we heard some wonderful stories of prayers being answered, we had new opportunities emerge and we laid the foundation for the year ahead. Thank you for being partners in prayer for our ministry. I want to encourage you to continue bringing our church planting ministry before the Father in prayer as we want to follow his leading as opportunities arise.
Here are the things I would like you to be praying about in February:
Multipliers Pathway training: We are planning on bringing this training in disciple-making to our region this year. This is the training that I have been a part of for the past 4 months and I can see some great benefits for churches who will participate in it. Please pray about this possibility.
Church Plant in the Joliet region: Seth Rempel has been hired as the church planter for this emerging church. He is currently gathering a prayer team, talking with people who might be interested in helping pioneer a new church and strategizing the pathway of discipleship he will be using to help people discover and develop a relationship with Jesus. Please be praying for Seth, Laura and their daughters in this new endeavor.
Micro Church Planting: Daniel and Emma Hazel are in the process of starting a micro church network where they live in Lockport. (They currently have a micro church meeting in their home of 14 adults and 14 children.) Their plan is to move to Chicago to start micro churches on the north side of the city. Please pray for them as they continue to gather people for this model of church planting.
Staff Planning: I will be working with our staff in February to lay out plans for the coming year. Things we will be discussing are Pentecost, building a training platform for discipling Gen Z / Alpha, along with doing some long-range planning. I would appreciate your prayers.
Church Scouting / Partnering Opportunities: We have been presented with several opportunities to do some work in church planting in some new settings. I will be traveling to a couple of them during the month to see what the Spirit will reveal. I believe these have come to us because of our time in prayer during January.
Thank you for praying for Ignite, I am grateful for your help, Lance
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